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Thirty-eight Aerococcus viridans isolates were obtained from milk from 478 cows with clinical mastitis in a farm during the periods between November 2011 and February 2012, and between December 2012 and March 2013. Additional isolates were obtained from processed manure (a mixture of composted manure, straw and hydrated lime) and bedding materials. The processed manure was later used to cover the floor of the stalls in barns as bedding materials. The temperatures recorded in the composted and processed manure were not as high as those generally observed during satisfactory composting. To reveal the association of A. viridans in manure-related products with intramammary infection in cows, isolates were characterized by their DNA fragment patterns as determined by pulsed-field gel electrophoresis (PFGE) and antimicrobial susceptibility testing. Isolates obtained from milk, processed manure and bedding materials had identical DNA fragment patterns. Antimicrobial susceptibilities were determined for 29 isolates from milk, processed manure and bedding materials. Of these, 26 (89.7%) were resistant to clindamycin, whereas virtually all the isolates were susceptible to 12 other antimicrobials including cefalosporins that have been used to treat bovine mastitis in Japan. In vitro, three A. viridans isolates from milk and an isolate from processed manure survived for 3 hr in Good’s buffer (pH 9) at high temperature (50°C). The results suggest that the processed manure and bedding materials in this farm were possible sources of A. viridans that caused infection in the cows with mastitis.  相似文献   
功能膜覆盖好氧堆肥过程氨气减排性能研究   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
畜禽粪便高温好氧堆肥过程中氨气的排放不仅污染环境,而且会降低有机肥氮素含量。因此,控制好氧堆肥过程中氨挥发是降低氮损失及减少堆肥周边环境恶臭的关键。为研究膜覆盖对畜禽粪便好氧堆肥过程氨气挥发的影响,以猪粪和小麦秸秆为试验原料,采用具有选择渗透性的Gore膜作为覆盖材料,在实验室好氧堆肥反应器系统中进行了为期27 d的好氧堆肥试验。试验设置覆膜组和对照组,采用开启1 h、关闭1 h间歇通风方式,通风速率为3 L/min,重点监测堆肥过程堆体温度、氧浓度和NH3排放速率等。研究表明:覆膜组比对照组高温期持续时间略长,更有利于杀死堆体有害病原菌;相比于对照组,覆膜组NH3排放量减少18.87%;相比于温度峰值出现的时间,两组试验NH3峰值出现时间均延后,且覆膜组延后时间更长。  相似文献   
以设施栽培的‘红地球’葡萄为试验材料,采用单因素完全随机设计,研究了蚯蚓堆肥与蚯蚓发酵液体肥对葡萄叶片光合能力、植株生长情况、土壤状况和果实品质及产量的影响。结果表明:利用蚯蚓堆肥与蚯蚓发酵液体肥,提高叶绿素相对含量与净光合速率11.12%、15.31%,促进葡萄的生长,提高叶片面积、茎粗和新稍生长量7.58%、6.42%、18.86%,开花期促进茎叶磷素的吸收,成熟期促进茎叶钾素的吸收;改善土壤理化性质,降低土壤容重30.43%,显著增加总孔隙度8.63%,增加土壤EC值38.23%,pH值降低8.32%,提高速效氮、磷、钾10.56%、11.11%、12.67%,提升有机质3.15 g?kg-1;活化土壤微生物,提高脲酶、磷酸酶和蔗糖酶66.86%、54.60%、82.03%,细菌、放线菌、真菌数量是对照的3.20倍、0.43倍、3.28倍,提高微生物碳氮14.98%、20.23%,增加可溶性蛋白、Vc、可溶性固形物、糖酸比24.31%、9.74%、5.49%、23.46%,降低可滴定酸13.51%;产量增加了21.73%,并土壤理化性质以及土壤微生物关系密切。  相似文献   
C/N比对好氧堆肥中NH3挥发损失和含氮有机物转化的影响   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
利用牛粪和不同比例玉米秸秆的混合,设置5个不同C/N比处理(T1=15、T2=20、T3=25、T4=30、T5=35),研究其对条垛式好氧堆肥过程中的NH_3挥发损失和含氮有机物转化的影响。结果表明:在肥堆前24 d有11.1%~23.1%的总氮损失,堆体C/N比越低,总氮损失率越高。堆肥结束时,T1~T5处理的总氮损失率为10.1%~24.1%,其中由NH_3挥发造成的氮损失占总氮损失的30.9%~40.5%。堆肥过程的NH_3挥发主要发生在升温期和高温期,此期的NH_3挥发量占总挥发量的95%以上,是总氮损失的主要途径。堆肥前6 d各处理堆体铵态氮积累并达到最高值,导致pH值迅速升高,是造成堆肥NH_3挥发的直接原因。堆体C/N比越低,pH值越高,NH_3挥发量越大,由此造成的氮损失占总氮损失的比例越大。堆肥材料总氮的90%以上为有机氮,其降解主要发生在堆肥前24 d,堆体初始C/N比越低,有机氮矿化越快。不同有机氮组分的降解速率不同,以氨基酸态氮和酰胺态氮的降解为主。当堆体初始C/N比低于25时,堆肥材料中氨基酸态氮和酰胺态氮等有机态氮快速降解产生大量的铵态氮,由此导致堆体pH值的迅速升高,是导致堆肥过程中大量NH_3挥发和氮素损失的主要原因。  相似文献   
污泥堆肥对早熟禾生长及光合特征的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
设置不同污泥堆肥施用水平(2%、4%、6%、8%、10%),研究了不同施用量对早熟禾生长指标及光合特征的影响。结果表明:不同水平的污泥堆肥施用量对早熟禾株高、叶面积、生物量、叶绿素含量均有一定的促进作用,以污泥堆肥施用量为8%时效果最好;对早熟禾光合作用效率促进效果最好的也是8%的处理;对早熟禾蒸腾作用促进效果最好的是6%的处理;对早熟禾水分利用效率促进效果最好的是10%的处理。  相似文献   
强化型EM菌剂对金针菇菌糠堆肥的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为提高EM菌剂在菌糠堆肥中的应用效果,加速腐熟进程,改善堆肥质量,采用纤维素酶与木聚糖酶高产菌株黑曲霉SNH-7、蛋白酶高产菌株枯草芽孢杆菌SNK-103与EM菌剂进行复配,研制强化型EM菌剂,并研究其对菌糠堆肥的影响。结果表明:与普通EM菌剂相比,接种强化型EM菌剂的处理堆肥过程中微生物代谢更加旺盛,温度、pH、EC值、总有机碳、可溶性有机碳、总氮、铵态氮、硝态氮、C/N、腐植酸和黄腐酸含量等理化指标的升高或降低幅度更大,腐熟进程加快;成品堆肥的GI提高,C/N降低,总氮、硝态氮、总腐植酸和游离腐植酸的含量升高,生物安全性更好、肥效更高。说明在EM菌剂中补充纤维素酶、木聚糖酶和蛋白酶高产菌株,可强化其对纤维素、木质素和蛋白质的降解能力,在无辅料、高C/N、低pH的不利条件下,添加该菌剂能加速堆肥进程,提高堆肥质量。  相似文献   
不同原料好氧堆肥过程中碳转化特征及腐殖质组分的变化   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为探讨不同畜禽粪便(牛粪和羊粪)为主料,添加不同作物秸秆(玉米秸秆和小麦秸秆)为辅料在堆肥过程中的碳转化特征及腐殖质组分的变化规律,采用条垛式好氧堆肥研究了不同原料组合(T1:牛粪+玉米秸秆;T2:牛粪+小麦秸秆;T3:羊粪+玉米秸秆;T4:羊粪+小麦秸秆)在堆肥过程中总有机碳(TOC)、可溶性有机碳(DOC)和腐殖酸含量的碳转化特征以及胡敏酸(HA)和富里酸(FA)的含量变化规律。结果表明:所有处理的TOC含量随堆肥过程的推进而下降,至堆肥结束时T1~T4处理的TOC含量分别下降了22.1%、21.5%、23.6、23.7%;DOC含量也随堆肥过程的推进而降低,至堆肥第15天时降低至最低,T1~T4处理分别降低至6.57、5.47、4.73 g·kg-1和4.93 g·kg-1,但不同处理的变化规律明显不同:以牛粪为主料的T1和T2处理在第10天以前几乎无变化,而以羊粪为主料的T3和T4处理从一开始就迅速下降至最低值,至堆肥第15天时T1~T4处理的降幅分别为32.4%、36.5%、51.8%和39.3%;总腐殖酸(THA)含量的增加始于堆肥的第10天,第15天时达到最高值,最高值分别为25.5%、22.5%、29.8%和30.0%,整个堆肥过程中T3和T4处理显著高于T1和T2处理(P<0.05)。随堆肥过程的推进,游离腐殖酸(FHA)含量逐渐降低,堆肥结束时降幅为7.6%~18.0%; HA含量逐渐增加,至堆肥结束时增幅为65.4%~197.8%,堆肥过程提高了胡敏酸态碳。T3和T4处理的FHA和HA含量在整个堆肥过程中始终高于牛粪组合T1和T2处理。FA含量随堆肥进程推进逐渐下降,至堆肥结束时降幅为44.9%~54.9%。羊粪中较高含量的纤维素、半纤维素和HA可能是堆肥产品中THA和HA含量较高的主要原因,在以牛粪为主料的堆肥配料中适当加入羊粪可以提高堆肥产品的腐殖酸含量和胡敏酸态碳。  相似文献   
Raw meat typically hosts spoilage organisms and sometimes hosts pathogens; to combat this, natural antimicrobial interventions have gained interest among consumers. In a previous study a marinade containing a thyme-orange essential oils combination (TOC) at the 0.5% level was found to inhibit Salmonella and Campylobacter species. The objective of the current study was to evaluate the effect of a salt-phosphate marinade solution with 0.5% TOC (treatment) or without TOC (control) applied by vacuum tumbling on the shelf life of broiler breast fillets and whole wings. The total aerobic and facultative mesophiles (TAM) occurring naturally on these products during refrigerated storage for 14 d (at 1, 7, 10, and 14 d) were enumerated. A total of 48 (24 for each trial) skinless breast fillets and 48 (24 for each trial) whole wings were used for the 2 trials. For each trial, 12 of the 24 breast fillets or wings were marinated using the control marinade solution and the remaining 12 were marinated in the treatment marinade solution. On d 1, 7, 10, and 14, 3 treatment and 3 control breast fillets and wings were randomly selected for TAM enumeration. Sample rinsates were plated in duplicate and incubated at 35°C for 48 h. Thyme-orange combination marinade significantly reduced TAM numbers on d 1, 7, and 10 compared with the controls. Log reductions of 0.3, 0.9, and 1.1 were recorded on d 1, 7, and 10, respectively. The difference in TAM between the treated and untreated whole wings was not significant. Therefore, 0.5% TOC in marinade can be used as a natural antimicrobial to reduce TAM on skinless breast fillets; however, a higher concentration may be required for skin-on products.  相似文献   
The application of soil amendments to immobilize heavy metals is a promising technology to meet the requirements for environmentally sound and cost‐effective remediation. The present study was carried out to evaluate the result of phosphogypsum (PG) used alone and in combination with compost (CP) at a mix ratio of 1:1 wet weight ratio (PG + CP) at 10 and 20 g dry weight kg−1 dry soil, on heavy metal immobilization in contaminated soil and on canola growth. The results revealed that the Pb, Cd and Zn uptake of canola plants was reduced by the application of PG alone and when it was mixed with CP as compared with untreated soil. At an application rate of 10 g dry weight kg−1 dry soil of (PG + CP) the dry weight of canola plants increased by 66·8% was increased in comparison with its weight in the untreated soil. The addition of PG alone resulted in more pronounced immobilization of heavy metal as compared with PG mixed with CP. Plant growth was improved with CP addition, but heavy metals immobilization was the greatest in PG alone treatments. Results suggest that PG may be useful for the immobilization of heavy metals in contaminated soils. Copyright © 2014 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
采用隧道发酵技术,以金针菇(Flammulina filiformis)菌渣为原材料,进行双孢蘑菇培养料的制备。通过一次及二次隧道发酵的工艺控制,检测堆制过程中温度、含水量、pH及电导率等理化成分的变化,并结合出菇结果评价金针菇菌渣培养料的使用情况。结果表明,金针菇菌渣在隧道一次发酵过程中最高温可达74℃以上,整个发酵周期16 d。通过隧道发酵制备的二次培养料不黏腻、结构松散、味道清香,含水量为66.40%,pH为8.16,电导率为875.00μs·cm-1,含氮量2.00%,碳氮比为20.36,符合双孢蘑菇栽培要求。双孢蘑菇四潮出菇产量为19.25 kg·m-2。表明隧道式发酵技术可以应用于工厂化金针菇菌渣制备的双孢蘑菇培养料中。  相似文献   
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